It could hardly be a more British sight. A spaniel, or perhaps a setter, trotting next to its owner, carrying the newspaper.

Or at least, it was.
For these days it seems that the pedigree pooch is as likely to fit in your handbag as walk by your side.
As dog owners copy celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Geri Halliwell by opting for a small dog, our traditional breeds suffer the consequences.
According to The Kennel Club, some of the most well-known types are facing extinction.
They have fewer than 300 puppies a year registered - and numbers are so low, that experts believe there is a real danger of extinction in the UK.
On the club's 2007 endangered list is the bloodhound, of which only 100 puppies were registered, and the Irish red and white setter - 93 were registered.
The field spaniel, greyhound and the Cardigan corgis, closely related to the Pembrokeshire corgis favoured by the Queen, are also at risk.
But it's a different story for the little dog. Chihuahuas have become so popular that a puppy can cost up to £2,000 - about five times the average for a pedigree.
The pug, shitzu, pomeranian and other so-called teacup breeds are also thriving.
"The Kennel Club is well aware of the popular trend that has arisen for the smaller toy breeds, such as the chihuahua and the pug, both of which have seen registrations rise by around 1,000 in the past year," a spokesman said.
"Celebrities seem to have a huge impact on which breeds are deemed popular each year."
Caroline-Kisko, of the Kennel Club, said: "We are working hard alongside breed clubs to keep these great British breeds from extinction.
"It's essential that we do all we can to protect these breeds so that people can discover what great characters they are."
However, there is some hope for traditionalists.
The bulldog, perhaps the most British of all breeds, has 4,000 registrations a year and is considered a rather fashionable canine companion.