Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Katy Perry's Breasts | Katy Perry Revealing Larger Boobs

Katy Perry's BreastsKaty Perry Elmo shirt has been making bigger rounds all over the web today. It’s a big noise about the 25 years old sex bomb singer Katy Perry’s Elmo shirt on the web, in the media and among the people.

Well, Katy Perry appeared on Saturday Night Live this past weekend and literally Katy was bursting through the layers of her shirt. If you guys are thinking that the dress Katy Perry wore on Sesame Street was too revealing then wait! You don’t know, (guess so) if you have not seen the Saturday Night Live show this past weekend. She wore an Elmo shirt with one bigger slit flaunting her large tits to the full view.

Katy Perry was wearing a tartan skirt, flaunting pig tails, geek specs and putting on a saucy Elmo top on

Katy Perry's Larger BoobsSNL. She essayed a 16 years old library volunteer.

On the show, Katy Perry giggled and bounced up and down on the sofa letting the viewers view her large boobs with fuller view. The parents did not like the dress she was wearing as they claimed and pointed out that it was much revealing and showing her boobs. Parents did not approve her dress since the show was targeted to the kids.

One of Katy Perry’s co-star emerged on the scene to defend her, saying, “Who cares if kids are looking at boobs – boobs feed babies, alright? I see CSI last night and there’s a dead guy with worm in his eye – and we can’t watch the top of boobs? So dumb, America.”

What do you say? Do you approve her dress showing boobs keeping in mind the kids? Share your thoughts with us on Katy Perry Elmo Shirt matter on below space.

1 comment:

Prakriti said...

Whats it matter? SNL is definitely not a show for young kids. And as was said. Boobs feed babies. So whats the big deal? also that's elmo? I would not have known if I had not been told. I guess the slit makes it look like a random monster...